This weekend – Saturday May 25th – we are holding a working bee at the new Aunty Dana’s Op Shop venue at 130 Riddiford street Newtown! (The new shop is set to open June 1st).

We will kick off at 10am on Saturday and work until 3pm, when we’ll knock off and eat some hot chips together, and maybe take some swish photos for promo?


Our jobs for the working bee are:

  1. Put up shelves for shoes, homeware, and other bits and bobs.
  2. Arrange jewellery displays in the glass counter area.
  3. Sort through a mountain of donations and hang clothes on clothing racks.
  4. Tag the clothing items.
  5. Mop the floors.
  6. Clean the bathrooms.
  7. Hang mirrors in the changing rooms.
  8. Hang up our beautiful trans flag bunting.
  9. Pin up our gorgeous transgender diversity posters.
  10. Arrange a window display

Please join us if you’re interested in volunteering a shift each week once Aunty Dana’s re-opens, or if you’d just like to come along and help out on the day! Everyone is welcome, and we very much appreciate your support!


See you there!


Please note: the venue is sadly not wheelchair accessible yet, but does have support rails on the 2 steps to the front door, and an all genders bathroom with support rails. No fluro lighting.

We have consulted the council regarding permits for a ramp and we’re hoping to have one built before opening day, or by the end of June at latest.