It’s so critically important that we have good data on what transgender people’s experiences are, so we can push for change and be heard. As an individual, it can be really hard to be listened to. But when we have research which shows 100, or 1,000 trans people share an experience, that’s hard to ignore. Take the Counting Ourselves survey.

What is the Counting Ourselves survey?

Counting Ourselves is an anonymous health survey designed by and for trans people, including binary and non-binary trans people from all across the country. It asks a wide range of questions about your well being – from healthcare experiences, to housing, discrimination, violence, safety, parenting, relationships, family. And a lot more.

It is quite long, but you can leave and then log back in later. The survey closes at the end of this month, so there’s no better time to start than now.

Who can take the Counting Ourselves survey?

You can take the survey if you are:

1. trans (binary or non-binary), and
2. aged 14 years or older, and
3. currently living in Aotearoa New Zealand.

It does not matter whether you use the specific terms ‘trans’ or ‘non-binary’ to describe yourself, whether you have transitioned or even plan to transition. This survey is for anyone whose gender is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.

The more people who answer the survey, the stronger the evidence we will have to advocate for change.

Photo of Ahi Wi-Hongi (they/them). Ahi is saying: your experiences matter. Our collective experiences matter.

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